#women drinking /Women & drinking Women are more at risk from harmful effects of alcohol since their bodies have more fat & less water content than men. Alcohol is more diluted in the extra body fluids found in a man's body. #drinking pregnancy /animated 4 f/s run 1, 10 sec delay /Pregnancy Drinking {alcohol} when pregnant means you are feeding your baby alcohol. This is because when you drink, the alcohol passes into your bloodstream, through the {placenta} & is fed to your baby. If you're pregnant, or planning a pregnancy, never drink heavily or frequently. If you limit yourself to an occasional drink - e.g. 1 unit, 1-2 times a week - the risk to your baby will be very small. !i b! But if you cut out alcohol completely, you cut out the risk completely. /Breast-feeding !n! The same advice applies if you're breast-feeding, since alcohol can be passed to your baby through your breast milk.